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Easter Triduum Parish of St. George article image
3/24/20241 min read

East­er Tridu­um Parish of St. George

On the road together! Here's to a Happy Easter!

Experience Easter and join the journey!
Pass is the most important feast of our faith. 
He shows what His love means to us. And how!

We move along in the liturgy with Christ's final days from the top of his mission on a profound w?ze: 
White Thursday (Jesus, in the early celebration of Easter, w?sted ahead to the Good Friday, where H? gives himself away to death). 
Good Friday (Jesus' death on a cross). 
Good Friday (Jesus' death on a cross).day (Jesus' dying on a cross) 
Silent Saturday we move with the women early Easter morning to the tomb that is empty: H? lives! 
Do and celebrate with them and invite others who have never celebrated Holy Week. 
Go out together! Here's to a Blessed Easter! 

As a parish we therefore offer the Easter Triduum. 
The entire program can be found in the attached PDF. 


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