Palm Sunday Stick and Procession to the church
Making Palm Sunday sticks and going in procession to church. Saturday, March 23 & Sunday, March 24
Once again this year we will be making Palm Sunday stick and going in procession to church.
When will we be making Palm Sunday sticks:
On Saturday, March 23, 2024, we will be making the Palm Sunday sticks.
Time: 12:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: the Pastoral Center, St. St. George Avenue 51.
Nutrient supplies will be provided by us.
You provide yourself a wooden cross ( size +/- 50cm x 75 cm),
A loaf of bread and 2 tangerines (You may also put those on it later at home)
At least 1 parent per child will come along to help.
When will we walk in procession to the church:
We will gather on Sunday, March 24 (Palm Sunday) at 10:45am at the Pastoral Center.
From there we will walk together in procession to the Joris Church.
In connection with preparations and purchase of materials, please before March 20 via info@parochiesintjoris.nlregister.
If you can't be there on March 23, but would like to make a palm Easter stick at home? you will find the instructions in the attachment.
The description is unfortunately in dutch, but if we manage it in time, we will translate it.
We are looking forward to it, and we wish you a blessed second half of Lent and until Palm Easter weekend!"
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