Parish pilgrimage to Dokkum
On Saturday, June 8, parish of St. George will make a pilgrimage to Dokkum
This year's parish pilgrimage is going to Dokkum. The pilgrimage will take place on Saturday, June 8. As many used to learn in school, Dokkum is where St. Boniface and about 50 of his followers were murdered in 754. Boniface was among our country's first missionaries. In his memory, a special pilgrimage church with processional corridor was built in Dokkum. We will of course visit this church and we will also receive explanations from a guide. In addition, the program includes a joint Eucharist, lunch and a joint prayer.
The trip will take place by coach, departure at 7:30 a.m. and expected return at approximately 7:30 p.m. Since the parish is covering the cost of the bus trip, the personal contribution for this pilgrimage is only €10. p.p. (transfer to NL36 INGB 0001 1284 52)
You can register at: info@parochiesintjoris.nl stating your name, address, phone number and how many people you want to go with. Of course you can also register by phone at our pastoral center. The contribution of €10 can be transferred to the account number of our parish.
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